Pipeline Strainers for Liquid

Model 50 Duplex Strainer
The Eaton Model 50 Plug Type Duplex Strainer is a simple, economical, and trouble free design…time tested in applications around the world over many years. This type of strainer is actually a high quality, pressure rated plug valve with integral straining baskets.
Switching the flow from one basket to the other is accomplished by moving the operating handle through a 90 degree arc. The design is such that is impossible for this operation to stop the flow because of the unique port design in the diverter plug. The entire switching operation takes less than 30 seconds. No tools are needed. The plug is automatically positioned each time in exactly the right spot by integral stops.
Before operating the handle a manual, integral lifting jack, built into the strainer is used to lift the diverter plug off of its seat. After the switching operation the lifting jack is used to reseat the plug. The lifting jack is specially designed to lift and seat the plug easily, even under high pressures. A built in stop limits the distance the diverter plug can be raised. This minimizes the possibility of material bypassing the plug while it is rotated. It also prevent debris from building up under the plug and making it difficult to reseat.
Other important features of the plug type Model 50 Duplex Basket Strainers include a quick opening, swing away yoke design covers. No tools are required to remove the covers for quick and easy access to the strainer baskets, and they go back on just as fast as they came off.
Draining of the basket chambers is simplified with the standard NPT drain taps – and all sizes are provided with mounting legs for bolting the strainer to the floor for a rock solid installation.
The Eaton plug type Model 50 Duplex Basket Strainer is your best choice for most applications. Its rugged design and ease of operation have made it the duplex strainer of choice around the world in hundreds of different industries.