GAF Filter Systems, the company that introduced the concept of liquid bag filtration has been leading the industry with innovative concepts and products for more than 30 years.
Eaton-GAF-Hayward Filter Bags for Liquid Filtration Efficient, cost effective filter systems for a wide variety of applications. Bags from 1 micron absolute. Suit all GAF Bag Filters and most other brands.
GAF-Eaton--Hayward Bag Filter Vessels for Liquid Filtration Efficient, cost effective filter systems for Liquid. Single and Multi Bag filter vessels. Bag Filter housings in 304, 316 and carbon Steel.
Pipeline Strainers for Liquid Protect your process piping equipment by removing debris from the liquid. Simplex Basket & Duplex Basket units are available. Cast Iron, Stainless Steel, Bronze and Non-Metallic.
Eaton’s Gas/Liquid Separators protect expensive system components, such as turbines, by removing potentially damaging moisture and particulate matter from air, gas, and steam lines.